

                           " Pokud chcete někam dojít, nepospíchejte, neutíkejte"

                             Pokud skutečně něco chcete, jděte za tím pomalu, zvolna.
                             Pokud skutečně něco chcete, už to máte.

                             I když se životem pohybujete pomalu, dosáhnete mnohého,
                             s eleganci, noblesou a důstojností.

                             Neunáhlujte se, změny v životě není dobré provádět násilně.
                             Buďte vtipní a lehcí a vše dosáhnete...


Taittiriya Upanishad

The Sage in the Taittiriya Upanishad feels his Omnipresence,
his being the Self of everyone, and sings his glory in an
ecstasy of Consciousness:

"O, I am food, I am the eater of food; I am the eater,
and the eaten, the enjoyer and the enjoyed, the knower
and the known, the seer and the seen."

He has risen above the notion of immortality, and his glory
he alone knows; others cannot understand it. Thus, he exclaims
how he is free of all sorrows and pains and enjoys all the
happiness conceivable, right from the fundamental unit of
human happiness up to the Universal Bliss of Virat, Hiranyagarbha,
Isvara and Brahman. He feels that he has done all that ought
to be done, or has to be done, and that he has obtained everything
that is to be obtained, and known all things to be known.

"I am this world and I consume this world
Those who understand this understand life "

Vnější věci

Mistr Hui ohlásil mistru Čuang'covi:"Vaše slova jsou bez užitku."
Mistr Čuang 'C pravil:" Člověk musí nejdříve rozumět neužitečnosti,
než se s ním dá hovořit o užitečném.
Nebe a země jsou tak širé a velké,
a přitom to, co z nich člověk zrovna využívá,
neměří víc než stopu.
A kdybyste odhrnul všechnu zem co jí je
kolem té jeho nohy k samotným Žlutým pramenům,
myslíte, že by ji člověk využil?"

"Nevyužil", přiznal mistr Hui.

Mistr Čuang 'C pravil:" Tak to vidíte.
A tak je to neužitečné a nevyužitelné,
aby to užitečné se stalo zřejmějším."


Bhang Stotram

                                             Bhang stotram

                                             Aghorebhyo’tha ghorebhyo
                                             sarvtah sharvah sarvebhyo
                                             namaste rudra rupebhyo !!


Ram Dass "Soulness"

Přirozený stav věcí

To, co já nazývám moudrostí, není to, čemu se říká humanita a
spravedlivost, neboť pravá moudrost neleží jinde než tam,
kde je nám to vlastní.
Prohlásím-li o někom, že je moudrý, neznamená to, že je humánní,
ale že se spoléhá jen na to,co je mu vlastní.
Nanazývám slyšícím toho, kdo slyší druhé, ale toho, kdo slyší sebe.
Nenazývám vidoucím toho, kdo vidí druhé, nýbrž toho,kdo vidí sebe.
Neboť ten, kdo vidí druhé, aniž by uviděl sebe, neboť ten, kdo
ovládá druhé, aniž ovládl sebe, ve skutečnosti vlastní jen vlastnosti
druhých a nevlastní vlastnosti své.
Kdo má jen to, co patří druhým, a nemá nic, co patří jemu samému,
ten je na scestí.

Čuang 'C


Guru Purnima

 He was the sage that gave India and Hindus the four Vedas, the 18 Puranas,
the Mahabharata, and the Srimad Bhagavata. So revered is Sage Vyasa,
often regarded as the Guru amongst Gurus that Guru Purnima is a special
festival celebrated across India to honour him.

Guru Purnima, which falls on 3 rd of July this year is a festival celebrated
not just in India but around the world by disciples to revere and honour
their Gurus (spiritual masters). This day which falls on the full moon day
(purnima) during the month of June/July (Ashadh), is also of great
significance to Buddhists across the world as it is believed to be the day that
Lord Buddha delivered his first sermon at Sarnath, Uttar Pradesh.

Also known as “Vyasa Purnima”, not only do many believe this was the day
the great sage Vyasa was born, but also completed the codification of the
fourVedas as well as writing of the eighteen Puranas on this day.
With the passage of time, Vyaasa Purnima came to be known as Guru Purnima.

A great Guru, Vyasa was often described as an incarnation of Lord Narayana
and hence this is a very significant day for Hindus as Gurus are often regarded
as God. According to the Shvetashvatara Upanishad (6/23): “Yasya deve para
bhaktir yatha deve tatha gurau, Tasyaite kathitaa hi arthaaha prakashante
mahatmanaha” which means Gurus should be worshipped as their
God would be worshipped, in order to attain all there is to be attain.

According to Wikipedia, and an article published by Dr. Mandara Maharishi,
Scientific Astrologer and Vastu Consultant. The Sanskrit root “Gu” means darkness
or ignorance. “Ru” denotes the remover of that darkness; therefore the one who
removes darkness of our ignorance is a Guru. He may give knowledge but never
claim to be God. Thus on this day Gurus all over are visited by devotees with
gifts known as “Gurudakshina’. A Guru is one who exemplifies wisdom, peacefulness,
self-control, austerity, piety, tolerance and strong faith in God.

On Guru Poornima day, devotees worship Vyasa, and disciples perform a ‘puja’ of their
respective spiritual preceptor or ‘Gurudevs’. Cultural programs also form a part of the
celebrations with ashrams and spiritual houses welcoming devotees with bhajans
and divine talks. For farmers too it is an important day as it is the start of the
much awaited rains.

This day is also the start of the period Chaturmas which translates to four months.
This is the period when spiritual guides who used to wander settled down at one
place to study the Brahma Sutras and take part in Vedantic discussions.

For Buddhist monks too this auspicious day is a day of observance and meditation.
As this day is also considered the start of the monsoon season,
Buddhist monks usually do not travel for a period of three months observing
this period as a time of serious meditation. Many lay people also give up
practices such as alcohol, smoking or consumption of non vegetarian
foods in order to revive their spiritual quest.

Even as per Jain customs, it was on this day that Mahavira the 24th Tirthankara
on attaining Kaivalya made Indrabhuti Gautam, who later came to be known as
Gautam Swami his first disciple; thus this day is observed in Jainism
too as Guru Purnima.

The annual Sri Guru Pooja is a time of reflection, for devotees to check how much
progress they have made over the year that has passed. The annual function
of Sri Guru Pooja presents a moment of introspection for us to check up how far
we have progressed along this path over the last one year and take lessons from i
t and resolve to march faster in the current year.

It is not just a day of worship and puja for gurus but also a day when deserving
aspirants are initiated into the Holy Order of Sannyas, as it is a highly
auspicious occasion.

Summing up this auspicious occasion in the words of Swami Sivananda:“Wake up at
Brahmumuhurta (at 4.a.m on this most holy day. After a bath, worship the lotus feet
of your Guru, or his image or picture with flowers, fruits, incense and camphor.
Do vigorous Japa and meditate in the early morning hours. Fast or take only milk
and fruit the whole day.

In the afternoon, sot with other devotees of your Guru and discuss with them
the glories and teachings of your Guru. Mentally pray to him for his grace,
through which alone, you can attain self – realization.”

“Alternatively, you may observe the vow of silence and study the books or writings
of your Guru, or mentally reflect upon his teachings. Take fresh resolves on
this holy day, to tread the spiritual path in accordance with the precepts of your Guru.

At night, assemble again with other devotees, and sing the Names of the Lord and the
glories of your Guru. The best form of worship of the Guru is to follow his teachings,
to shine as the very embodiment of his teachings, and to propagate his
glory and his message.”


Cesta Čuang 'C

                                       Cesta sama je počátkem i koncem všeho  

                                       Opravdovým lidem dávnověku, byla cizí žízeň po životě,
                                       neznali strach ze smrti.
                                       Jejich příchod byl prost radosti,jejich odchod tam v dáli
                                       prost odporu.
                                       Snadno se přichází, snadno odchází.
                                       Nezapomněli odkud, neptali se kam,
                                       nehnali se chamtivě k boji se svou cestou životem.
                                       S odevzdáním brali život tak, jak sám přicházel,
                                       smrt tak, jak sama přišla – bez starostí.
                                       A odešli tam, tam do dálek nesmírných.

                                       Neměli ani pomyšlení na boj.
                                       Nepokoušeli se vlastním úsilím Řádu pomáhat.
                                       To jsou ti, kterým říkáme opravdoví lidé.

                                       Mysli volné, bez myšlenek, jasné čelo, klidná tvář.
                                       Vše, co pocházelo od nich, přicházelo tiše
                                        jako roční období.

Starodávná stezka

Nepřítel může ti ublížit, nenávist způsobit bolest,
nejvic však škodí ti mysl,
když dosud zkrocená není.

Láskou tě zahrnout může žena, tvůj otec,
přátelé přízní,
nejvíc lásky je v mysli,
když správně ji řídíš.