
Ma Anandamayee about Love

Question : Is it possible to attain to Self-realization by an intensification of emotion, such as love?

Ma Anandamayee :

Yes. Prema, the love of God is certainly a way.

what is ordinarily called 'love' is not prema, true love,
but moha, attraction through delusion.

Prema, real love, cannot exist between individuals.

How can one get pure love from that,
which by its very nature is impure,
namely the individual?

Again and again it happens
that people come to this body saying,
"My love for such and such a person is true love, not worldly love."
They are deceiving themselves.

Love for that which is mortal is invariably moha,
attraction through delusion, and leads to death.
Quite obviously so.
Have you not noticed how,
when you find it impossible to get the object of your love
you either wish to kill it or to die yourself?

Whereas prema, the love of God,
takes you to the death of death, to Immortality .

Therefore, it is said, to regard the Guru as all individual is a Sin.
The Guru has to be loved and revered as God.
Some time ago a woman came to this body,
who wanted to commit suicide because her guru had passed away.
I said to her: "Does a Guru die '?
Because he has left his body it does not mean that he is no more.
The Guru is everywhere and never leaves the disciple.

The fact that you want to take your life
out of grief over your Guru’s passing into Mahasamadhi
shows that you love him as a person and not as a Guru.

It was not at all easy to convince the women of this,
and she had to pass through much heartache and
trouble until at last she got over her attachment.

It happens that people fall in love with their Guru.
If he has attained to the state that a Guru should have reached,
he will be able to canalize the disciple's love,
turning it towards the Divine.
But, if he himself has not transcended personality,
difficulties will naturally arise.

This body has come across a number of cases
where inexperienced girls, child widows,
or even married women have been led
into a wrong path by false Gurus.

Tile injunction of the Sastras is that
one has to surrender one's
whole being - body, mind and heart to the Guru.

To surrender one's body means
to surrender one' s desires
so that they may be obliterated,
but not to surrender one's body in the material sense.

If it is misunderstood in this way,
as occurs sometimes, then this body says,
although you may have received diksa from him,
that person is not your Guru.
You should then bathe in the Ganges and
purify yourself and make a fresh start.

Although the mantra cannot be defiled,
there are instances
when it becomes imperative to relinquish even that, namely,
if it is inextricably associated with the memory of the false guru.
In such cases it is advisable to change the mantra to another.

People contract so-called love marriages,
but in some cases both parties are disillusioned and
after a time each separately come to this body lamenting and repenting.



Zenový mnich šel lesem. Najednou si všiml, že ho sleduje tygr.
Začal tedy utíkat, ale svým vlastním způsobem, takže ani moc
nepospíchal. Pohyboval se rychle, v klidu a pohodě.
Tak trochu si to užíval. Napadlo ho:"Když si to užívá ten tygr,
proč bych nemohl i já?"

Doběhl na okraj srázu a aby ho tygr nedostal,pověsil se na
větev jednoho stromu na skále. Když se podíval dolů do údolí
uviděl tam dalšího tygra, jak na něj čeká.A nahoru na kopec
přiběhl ten první. Mnich visel na větvičce mezi nimi, dole
byl jeden a nahoře druhý tygr.

Začal se smát. Pak si ještě všiml, že tu větvičku,na
které visel, přehryzávají dvě myši, jedná bílá, druhá černá.
Mnich se rozesmál na celé kolo a řekl si:"To je život.
Den a noc, bílá a černá myš. Kamkoliv se rozhodnu jít,
všude mě čeká smrt. To je život!" A dosáhl satori, prvního
záblesku osvícení. To je život! Není třeba se rozčilovat,
takhle to prostě je.

Ať jdete kamkoliv, všude na vás čeká smrt, i kdyby jste se
rozhodli raději nikam nechodit,dny a noci pomalu budou
ukrajovat váš život. Proto se smál.

Začal se rozhlížet kolem, protože už bylo jisté, že zemře,
a tak se tím nemělo cenu trápit.
Když je smrt nevyhnutelná,tak proč si s ní dělat starosti?
Znepokojovat se má smysl,jen pokud to ještě není jisté
a lze něco udělat.Pokud je to jisté, nemá cenu se tím
vzrušovat,osud se naplní. Hledal tedy jak si užít poslední

Všiml si, že blízko něj je pár jahod, a tak si je utrhl a
snědl.Vychutnal si je a dosáhl osvícení.
Stal se buddhou, probuzeným, protože ani blížící se smrt ho
nedokázala vyvést z rovnováhy. Dokázal si vychutnat jahody.
Byly tak sladké!
A v ten okamžik vše zmizelo, tygři, větev i on sám.
Stal se vesmírem.

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