Setkání s Mayou / Appointment with Maya
Maya je kouzelnicí Vesmíru „iluzorní skutečností“ která vytváří iluzorní realitu
složenou také z našich přání a tužeb. Může k nám přistupovat v různých podobách
a formách a hrát tak dokonalou hru s našimi smysly, že vytvoří tak skutečnou
realitu, ze které je mnohdy vskutku těžké se probudit.
Hraje si s námi a my mnohdy slepě následujeme roli, kterou utkala tkanivem
našich iluzorních přání. Tančí před námi v podobě krásných žen, mužů, kteří
jsou tu jen pro nás a v určitém smyslu i plní naše především smyslová přání.
Jiným může vytvořit iluzi moci a neomezené svobody, jindy přinese bohatství
v jakékoliv formě, které posílí naši sebedůležitost a slabosti, které nás zcela
ovládnou, a také postupně rozkládají a ničí.
Dokonale si hraje s lidským srdcem, má schopnost vstoupit do každé bytosti
a skrze ni vytvořit tak dokonalou a pevnou iluzi a její tkanivo splete taková
tenata , ze kterých se jen málokdo dokáže osvobodit. Jakmile do nás vstoupí,
vytvoří jevištní figurky, které hrají pro její pobavení tak báječné hry……
Sage Narada and Maya Devi.
Once Lord Vishnu told Sage Narada that , there is nothing real in this world and
what all we see is due to the playful acts of Maya Devi.
Narada did not understand it and requested Lord Vishnu to make him experience the
powers of Maya Devi. Vishnu took sage Narada along with him and they reached a
very deep forest in which there was a very big lake. Lord Vishnu requested Sage
Narada to take bath in that lake. Narada kept his Veena called Mahathi and
the deer skin on which he used to meditate on the shore and entered
the lake to take bath. Suddenly Sage Narada was transformed in to a very
pretty lady. She came out of the lake and was enjoying the beauty of nature
around her.
At that time a king called Thaladwaja reached near the shore. Attracted by her
divine beauty he requested the lady to marry him. She also agreed and married him.
Times rolled by. After 12 years of very happy married life they got a son called
Then onwards , every two years she produced a child. And within another 24 years,
she became mother of 12 children. Later she became mother for another eight children.
All her children reached adulthood and married. And she got several grand children.
At this time an enemy king invaded the country of Thaladwaja. In the battle most
of his children and grand children were killed. Thaladwaja ran for his life.
Then he left his country along with his wife and reached the same lake
where he found her.
Lord Vishnu in the form of a Brahmin was waiting there. He asked them
to take bath in the lake. Narada regained his original form. He then could realize
what all happened to him. Lord Vishnu then told him that all that happened
was an illusion, which appeared real and was due to Maya Devi.
Krishna and Karna
Karna asks Krishna - "My mother left me the moment I was born.
Is it my fault I was born an illegitimate child?
Is it my fault I was born an illegitimate child?
I did not get education from Dhronacharya because I was considered a non Kshatriya.
Parshuram taught me but then gave me the curse to forget everything since I was a kshatriya.
Parshuram taught me but then gave me the curse to forget everything since I was a kshatriya.
A cow was accidentally hit by my arrow & its owner cursed me for no fault of mine.
I was disgraced in Draupadi's swayamvar.
I was disgraced in Draupadi's swayamvar.
Even Kunti finally told me the truth only to save her other sons.
Whatever I received was through Dhuryodhana's charity. So how am I wrong in taking his side?"
Whatever I received was through Dhuryodhana's charity. So how am I wrong in taking his side?"
Krishna replies,
"Karna, I was born in a jail.
Death was waiting for me even before my birth.
The night I was born I was separated from my birth parents.
From childhood you grew up hearing the noise of swords, chariots, horses, bow and arrows.
I got only cow herd's shed, dung and multiple attempts on my life even before I could walk!
No army, no education.
I could hear people saying I am the reason for all their problems.
When all of you were being appreciated for your valour by your teachers, I had not even received any education.
I joined gurukula of Rishi Sandipani only at the age of 16!
You are married to a girl of your choice.
I didn't get the girl I loved & rather ended up marrying those who wanted me or the ones
I rescued from demons.I had to move my whole community from the banks of Yamuna to far off Sea shore, to save them from Jarasandh. I was called a coward for running away.
Death was waiting for me even before my birth.
The night I was born I was separated from my birth parents.
From childhood you grew up hearing the noise of swords, chariots, horses, bow and arrows.
I got only cow herd's shed, dung and multiple attempts on my life even before I could walk!
No army, no education.
I could hear people saying I am the reason for all their problems.
When all of you were being appreciated for your valour by your teachers, I had not even received any education.
I joined gurukula of Rishi Sandipani only at the age of 16!
You are married to a girl of your choice.
I didn't get the girl I loved & rather ended up marrying those who wanted me or the ones
I rescued from demons.I had to move my whole community from the banks of Yamuna to far off Sea shore, to save them from Jarasandh. I was called a coward for running away.
If Dhuryodhana wins the war you will get lot of credit.
What do I get if Dharmaraja wins the war? Only the blame for the war and all related problems.
Remember one thing Karna....
Everybody has challenges in life.
Everybody has challenges in life.
Dhuryodhan also has a lot of unfairness in life and so has Yudhishthir.
But what is Right (Dharma) is known to your Mind (Conscience)....
But what is Right (Dharma) is known to your Mind (Conscience)....
No matter how much unfairness we got, how many times we were disgraced, how many times we were denied what was due to us, what is important is how you REACTED at that time...
Stop whining Karna.
Stop whining Karna.
Life's unfairness does not give you license to walk the wrong path of Adharma.
Taittiriya Upanishad
The Sage in the Taittiriya Upanishad feels his Omnipresence,
his being the Self of everyone, and sings his glory in an
ecstasy of Consciousness:
"O, I am food, I am the eater of food; I am the eater,
and the eaten, the enjoyer and the enjoyed, the knower
and the known, the seer and the seen."
He has risen above the notion of immortality, and his glory
he alone knows; others cannot understand it. Thus, he exclaims
how he is free of all sorrows and pains and enjoys all the
happiness conceivable, right from the fundamental unit of
human happiness up to the Universal Bliss of Virat, Hiranyagarbha,
Isvara and Brahman. He feels that he has done all that ought
to be done, or has to be done, and that he has obtained everything
that is to be obtained, and known all things to be known.
"I am this world and I consume this world
Those who understand this understand life "
Iluze reality
Skutečná realita se nestará o žádná
pravidla a nařízení, pohybuje se a běží si
podle přirozeného řádu...
Matematika a podobné obory se staly přesnou
vědou, protože jsou jen mentálním výplodem
iluzorní lidské mysli...
Kdyby člověk zmizel ze zemského povrchu
tak i všechny vědy,které zplodil, by odešly
zároveň s ním.
To ostatní by pokračovalo ve své existenci.....
Rovnováha bytí
Ptal se Mistr Hui Mistra Zhuanga: " Mohou existivat lidé, kteří nemají city ani pocity?"
"Ovšem," řekl mistr Zhuang.
"Jak mohou být lidé, kteří nemají city ani pocity, ještě zváni lidmi?"
"Proč bychom je neměli zváti lidmi, jestliže je Život obdařil lidskou tváří a nebe jim dalo lidský tvar?"
Mistr Hui však znovu opáčil:"Jakmile je však nazveme lidmi, jak mohou nemít city a pocity?"
"Mluvím-li o citech a pocitech, myslím tím něci jiného," pravil Mistr Zhuang.
"Řeknu-li o někom, že nemá city ani pocity, myslím tím, že nepřipustí, aby se jeho nitra zmocňovaly libosti a nelibosti, myslím tím, že postupuje vždy v souladu s přirozeným během věcí, aniž chce životu cokoli přidávat a něco na něm vylepšovat."
"Nebude-li však životu nic přidávat, jak bude sám žít?"
"Život mu dal jeho podobu, nebe mu dalo jeho tvar, ale nazanášejí do jeho nitra libost nebo nelibost. To jen vy se stále pohybujete mimo svého ducha a zbytečně vyčerpáváte svou vnitřní energii. Stačí se opřít o strom a něco si tiše broukat, přidržte se uschlé haluze a tiše klímejte, nebe vám vybralo tvar, a vy tu pořád o zbytečnostech povykujete!"
"Ovšem," řekl mistr Zhuang.
"Jak mohou být lidé, kteří nemají city ani pocity, ještě zváni lidmi?"
"Proč bychom je neměli zváti lidmi, jestliže je Život obdařil lidskou tváří a nebe jim dalo lidský tvar?"
Mistr Hui však znovu opáčil:"Jakmile je však nazveme lidmi, jak mohou nemít city a pocity?"
"Mluvím-li o citech a pocitech, myslím tím něci jiného," pravil Mistr Zhuang.
"Řeknu-li o někom, že nemá city ani pocity, myslím tím, že nepřipustí, aby se jeho nitra zmocňovaly libosti a nelibosti, myslím tím, že postupuje vždy v souladu s přirozeným během věcí, aniž chce životu cokoli přidávat a něco na něm vylepšovat."
"Nebude-li však životu nic přidávat, jak bude sám žít?"
"Život mu dal jeho podobu, nebe mu dalo jeho tvar, ale nazanášejí do jeho nitra libost nebo nelibost. To jen vy se stále pohybujete mimo svého ducha a zbytečně vyčerpáváte svou vnitřní energii. Stačí se opřít o strom a něco si tiše broukat, přidržte se uschlé haluze a tiše klímejte, nebe vám vybralo tvar, a vy tu pořád o zbytečnostech povykujete!"
Cesta k vnitřnímu míru
Bez ohledu na to, kde žijete, ať je to rušné místo nebo osamělé útočiště, jedinou věcí, kterou musíte překonat, je pět jedů ve vaší mysli a vaši skuteční nepřátelé, osm světských překážek - nic jiného.
Pět jedů: nevědomost, připoutanost, averze, pýcha, žárlivost.
Osm světských překážek: naděje na štěstí a strach z utrpení, naděje na slávu a strach z neúspěchu, naděje na chválu a strach z bezvýznamnosti, naděje na zisk a strach ze ztráty.
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