The Sage in the Taittiriya Upanishad feels his Omnipresence,
his being the Self of everyone, and sings his glory in an
ecstasy of Consciousness:
"O, I am food, I am the eater of food; I am the eater,
and the eaten, the enjoyer and the enjoyed, the knower
and the known, the seer and the seen."
He has risen above the notion of immortality, and his glory
he alone knows; others cannot understand it. Thus, he exclaims
how he is free of all sorrows and pains and enjoys all the
happiness conceivable, right from the fundamental unit of
human happiness up to the Universal Bliss of Virat, Hiranyagarbha,
Isvara and Brahman. He feels that he has done all that ought
to be done, or has to be done, and that he has obtained everything
that is to be obtained, and known all things to be known.
"I am this world and I consume this world
Those who understand this understand life "